3 Challenges Small Businesses Face and 1 Solution.

Over the past 4 weeks, I have been interviewing and surveying small businesses. Learning about the challenges they face and the dreams they have for the future (odds are you helped me out in this process, THANK YOU!).

It was exciting to hear about their dreams as well as the challenges we face. I am sharing Three Key Takeaways and 1 Solution for small businesses moving forward.

1. Our businesses are growing (and we want them to grow).

Lead generation, creating WOW experiences for our clients, and balancing it all is at the forefront of our mind. We can see that growth is in our future, but questions still exist about HOW we are able to manage it.

2. As teams and services grow, we know we need to better balance it all.

Solopreneurs run the show. We are the marketing manager, service provider, customer service, accountant, and the list goes on. Growing sustainably means we will need to lean into our Strengths and manage our weaknesses (whether that means delegating or managing your energy).

3. Ultimately, we need a strategic plan that is grounded in our Strengths

From launching programs to growing your operations, setting up finances, and having a community who is in the same boat. You can create a custom strategy that is aligned with your Strengths and allows you to reclaim your business.

So... what now?

The Future of Your Business Mastermind is a 5-Month Program with monthly CliftonStrenghts Masterclasses paired with a Future-Focused Group Coaching Call each month to help transform your business. You will grow your business sustainably as part of this program.

The program begins in January 2022. To apply for the program and ensure fit, everyone interested will have a 30-minute coaching exploration so we can get clear on what is next for your business and ensure this program is a good fit for you

Space is limited to 10 people. We will share our dreams and live in the world of possibility.

If you have made it this far, I would love to know: What do you think?

Read more at the full Future of Your Business Mastermind Webpage.

Thanks for being here,

<3 Kyle


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