Living More Through Work

People look at The Great Resignation and see masses of people quitting their jobs.

There is a narrative that quitting means “We don’t want to work.”

But that is not the case.

We are resigning from jobs en masse because jobs are sucking out our souls.

  1. Jobs are taking more than they give to their employees.

  2. Work has become a means to an end.

  3. Our job used to be our lifeline to survival, but that is not the case any longer.

The next solution: live more through our work.

What does this mean? I am glad you asked.

We are looking for ways to work smarter, not harder. Meaning:

  1. We do the things we are best at (we use our Strengths) every day.

  2. We excel at using our Strengths so work takes us less time.

  3. We find ways to integrate our passions into our work more often.

Work does not just have to be a means to an end.

Ultimately, we are looking to create a life of ease.

We want to go from Groaning to Growing.

If you are ready to take your life from Groaning to Growing, join the first cohort.

Registration is open and we begin in January 2022.

Join today at or email your questions at

In Strength & WellBeing,
Kyle Johann-Baker

PS — Want to get future blogs right to your inbox? Join my email list today.


The Great Resignation VS Employee Engagement


Groaning to Growing