Reach Your Goals Faster with CliftonStrengths

My goals are a cakewalk.

My goals are a cakewalk because I utilize my Top CliftonStrengths. I want you to feel the same way about this because you deserve to reach your goals faster, and you can do it by tapping into your CliftonStrengths.

I set goals and let my Strengths go on autopilot.

This works because I am intentional with my goals and connect them to my Strengths. I see the path to success and how I will make it happen.

You can reach your goals faster, too, by using your top CliftonStrengths.

Let’s break down the Growth Plan using CliftonStrengths.

  1. Name Your Strengths - and truly own them.

  2. Identify Your Goals - let’s get clear.

  3. Clarify How - to get there.

  4. Clear Barriers - by using your Strengths.

  5. Practice Makes Improvement - developing your Strengths.

Name Your Strengths

The first step is building a firm foundation for you. You need to Name Your Strengths and truly own them. When naming your Strengths, I want them to feel so right that you need to shout them from the rooftops. I want you to be SO excited about these definitions that you are telling your workplace bestie and maybe even a few people you talk with in the grocery store (PS - is it okay to talk with strangers at the grocery store again?).

Here is how you do it…

  1. Find a textbook definition of your Strengths. If you already took the CliftonStrengths assessment, you will want to read your Strengths Insight Guide to get the juicy bits!

  2. Take notes of the things that resonate. The things that make you go “Mmmhmm.”

  3. Rewrite your Strengths! Add your flavors and ingredients. It is time to own it!

  4. Post your Strengths on your desk, in your journal, or even frame them (I have mine written on a giant sticky note beside my desk).

Identify Your Goals

Your Strengths will be your secret to Reaching Your Goals Faster, but first, we need to get clear on WHAT your goals are and WHY you hope to achieve them. Here is how I help my clients set game-changing goals.

  1. Start by identifying your goal.

  2. Qualify and quantify your goal.

    • Qualify by telling me what it looks like, how it feels, and the change it inspires.

    • Quantify by connecting to a number. Is it doing something a specific number of times or reaching a financial goal?

  3. Tell me about the reason behind this goal. Why is this important to you, and how will it be a gamechanger for you moving forward?

  4. When do you want to achieve this goal? I like to think of this as a blend of realistic and pushing yourself (just a little bit). After all, we do have your Strengths supporting you!

Clarify How To Crush Your Goals

Now that we have discussed your Top Strengths and Goals, let’s talk about how to crush your goals.

As you look at your goals, ask yourself the following questions…

  1. Which of your Strengths could support you in reaching your goal with ease? What will make that goal seem like something you could do in your sleep? Name those Strengths.

  2. How will you apply your Strengths? We have named the Strengths; now, get specific about how you will implement them for this scenario.

Clear Potential Barriers

You are getting so close to making your goals a piece of cake (mmm, cake sounds really good right now).

Next, we want to clear potential barriers, so this is a cakewalk. My clients find that we are more prepared just in case it happens by talking about possible barriers. We are taking control again!

  1. What could keep you from being successful? — Name anything and everything. Sometimes it will be cooking a meal; other times, it could be self-doubt. Barriers are big, small, right in front of your face, or invisible to the naked eye. Try and think of specific examples that have kept you from success in the past.

  2. Strategize how to remove the barriers. Here are a few options I have used…

    • Look to your Top Strengths for support. How can your Strengths help lead to success?

    • Ask for support. Can your bestie, neighbor, or family member help out? It could be asking for a text to be accountable or having someone walk your dog.

    • When self-confidence is the barrier, I look in the mirror and pump myself up (the first time you do it, it might feel weird, but trust me, it helps).

Practice Makes Improvement

Put this plan into motion. Set check-in times to measure your success over time.

Practicing using your Strengths is part of the process. By practicing, you gain a deeper understanding of your Strengths and how you operate. You are unlocking the handbook to yourself.

Develop your Strengths intentionally by doing the following.

  1. Take note of your Strengths - Rewrite definitions as you experience them and track where your expertise exists. You are the expert on your Strengths and gifts.

  2. Track your progress - It might be hard to notice the growth daily. However, taking time each day to reflect will be hard to ignore your progress.

  3. Have Patience - Some days, you may take ten steps forward; other days, it may feel like you are going backward. Trust the process and look at the overall journey, not just the single step. Change happens daily, not in a day.

Guides like this are great, but let’s be honest, they don’t always just “make the magic happen.” Sometimes, the magic comes in having a coach support you. When you are ready to get the support you deserve, follow up with me and let’s talk about a partnership to help you reach your goals faster through CliftonStrengths.

In Strength & WellBeing,
Kyle Johann-Baker

PS — Want to get future blogs right to your inbox? Join my email list today.

Oh hi there! I’m Kyle. I appreciate you taking the time for yourself to visit this space and get some Strengths Insights. This blog is a collection of my thoughts around CliftonStrengths and their power to bring ease, connection, and happiness to your life.


Grow Faster and Easier Using Your Top Strengths


How To Find Ease & Flow In Your Life Through CliftonStrengths