7 Facts About CliftonStrengths and How They Help You Grow Your Business

I first took the CliftonStrengths assessment back in college. I remember being told that I needed to take this for one of my jobs. At the time, I was taking so many personality tests and loved it (I thought that this one would be the same). Little did I know, that this assessment and tool would lead to this very moment today.

Some folks take the assessment without knowing what it really is. Some of you may have taken it years ago and have not touched it since (no judgment here). Let’s get to the basics of what the world of CliftonStrengths is and why you should care about your Top 5 CliftonStrengths. Let’s talk about the 7 Fast Facts about CliftonStrenghts and How They Help Grow Your Business.

1. How Many People Have Taken the CliftonStrengths Assessment?

This number often amazes me. As of today, the advertised amount of people who have taken this assessment is over 25 million people. This fast fact is so impressive simply because of the number. 25 million people have trusted CliftonStrengths to learn more about their Strengths.

It has been translated and used in 23 different languages. This is a tool trusted beyond the United States, it is a tool that is used globally to help organizations reach their goals.

2. What are Themes And How Many Are There?

Each assessment has its results. With MBTI you get assigned a collection of 4 types with a total of 16 combinations. True Colors you discover your primary and secondary color, but with CliftonStrengths, the assessment tells you your Top 5 Themes (Strengths). So, what is a theme?

A theme is a collection of talents that you have. During your CliftonStrengths Assessment, you are asked 177 questions and you have 20 seconds to answer/rate each question. That’s right, 177 questions where you self rate yourself and identify what you do best and where you thrive.

SO, your Top 5 Themes (or Strengths) are uncovered through these questions. Your talents fit under this umbrella THEME and the way you use this theme is unique to you.

3. Strengths VS Themes

“Kyle, I thought you said this was CliftonSTRENGTHS, not CliftonThemes.” You make a good point, so let’s talk about why we separate Strengths and Themes.

Your Themes are just the beginning. Depending on your leadership experience and development, you can think of these themes as diamonds in the rough. You have infinite potential, and over time we are going to refine your Themes so that you are able to claim them as Strengths.

So, when do they become Strengths?

  1. You can claim them as Strengths when you are ready (it’s not like I have them on lockdown).

  2. Here is a formula I like to use to explain Strengths

Talent x Investment = Strengths

To continue your journey with Strengths, use this formula and invest in your talents. This could look like learning about your Top 5 Strengths, practicing using them, or just talking about them. You decide your journey and over time, you will find out the ways that allow you to succeed using your Strengths.

4. Strengths Encourage Flow

What is flow? Flow happens when you step into a state of mind and you are fully immersed in a task or project. Simply put, you lose track of time because nothing exists beyond what we are doing at the moment (or so we think).

I included a chart sourced from PositivePsychology.com that illustrates how Challenge and Ability impact stepping into a state of flow. To be in true “Flow,” you want to make sure that your task, goal, or project is both challenging and that you have the ability to complete a task (it uses your Strengths).

Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi's Model of Flow as related to Challenge and Ability

Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi's Model of Flow as related to Challenge and Ability, Image Source

Your Strengths encourage a state of flow. When you invest in your Strengths, completing challenging goals/project/tasks come with ease: you are able to focus on the task and you are likely happy doing it. Your Strengths make it possible to be in the state of flow. If you are not in flow: time might drag on as you are bored, you may feel apathetic because your goal does mean anything to you, or you are so anxious that you do not want ANYTHING to do with the project.

Flow matters because it means you are finding your unique ways to use your CliftonStrengths. You are becoming skilled in ways that have meaning to your life and the way you engage with the world. Developing your Strengths encourages flow, ease, and happiness.

5. Strengths Impact Your Team Engagement & Team Performance

Whether you are a team of 1 or 1,000 ~~> Strengths impact your team. Previously I have talked about 4 Questions to Find Purpose, and a key part of finding purpose is knowing what you do best. Your team is able to fully engage at work and perform best when they are clear about what their Top 5 Strengths are AND they know what their teammates do best.

CliftonStrengths is more than a touchy-feely practice, it has a real impact on your organization. Organizations that have high employee engagement and develop their team’s Strengths have seen the following impacts on their organization (source):

  • 81% lower absenteeism

  • 64% fewer safety incidents

  • 41% fewer defects (quality)

  • 14% higher productivity

  • 10% higher customer ratings

  • 18% higher sales

  • 23% higher profitability

^ These are just the business reasons. The fun part is that working with CliftonStrengths also impacts the holistic WellBeing of your team. Strengths help your team find strategies to help them feel more engaged in life (and work). Not because a list told them to do these things, but instead because they took a deep look and intentionally engaged with their Strengths.

6. Strengths Honor Your Uniqueness

Did you know you are 1 in 33 million? Let me tell you what I mean by this. The odds of someone having the same Top 5 CliftonStrengths AND in the same order is 1 in 33 million. By learning about your team’s strengths, you are learning about the ways that each person contributes in their own unique way.

Tapping into your Strengths gives individuals (and yourself) a chance to showcase your superpowers.

Uniqueness is about individuality and finding fit. As a leader, you want each person to be valued for who they are. You also want your team to have the right fit based on their role. You want the right person to be doing the right work at the right time. When we give people a chance to specialize, they create their own niche and find new ways to practice their Strengths and do the things they love. Honoring uniqueness gives people a chance to fully engage in life and do their best work.

7. Strengths Pave The Way for Success

This is the reason I am such an advocate for CliftonStrengths being at the center of your development plan, strategy session, or implementation method. Your Strengths are your not-so-secret to success.

What do I mean by that? They are called Strengths and Talents for a reason. You have a natural inclination to excel at using them. You might think, “Well everyone works their way through a to-do list like me.” Or maybe you think, “Doesn’t everyone figure out the plot of the movie in the first 15 minutes?” The short answer is, no one can do the same thing as you. These are your secrets to success.

Take a moment with me and think of one of your own “Success Stories.” This is a story you may have told multiple family members or friends about, or it is one you have included as part of an interview.

Now, when you think of that success story, what lead to “success?” What skills and strengths did you lean into? How did it impact the people around you? Odds are, your Top 5 Strengths are popping up in different ways. THey are sneaking in and having a positive impact on your work.

Finally, how can you recreate this moment? In what ways did you use your Strengths and how can you do this again? You can create your own method of success by starting with your Strengths.

Start with Strengths

Next time you are planning a project or looking to reach a goal, Start With Strengths.

When you are ready to integrate CliftonStrengths into your Organizational Culture Management Strategy, follow up with me to have a consultation call. Let’s collaborate and help your team engage in their life and the work they do.

In Strength & WellBeing,
Kyle Johann-Baker

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7 Facts About CliftonStrengths and How They Help You Grow Your Business

Understanding Your Top 5 Strengths Through Domains


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