Authenticity In the Workplace

If you are someone who is driven by building relationships with others, you may be asking this question:

“How can I leave a lasting impact?”

Leaders leave lasting impacts in so many ways.

It could be the way they handle a challenging situation, speak to others, dream of the future, or get stuff done.

There is one thing that leaders with a legacy do. They lead authentically.

Being a leader is not about the smoke and mirrors. It is not about the illusion of doing good.

Leaders that have an impact lead with authenticity.

If you are looking to lead with authenticity, here is one phrase to add to your tool belt.

“I am not sure, but I will find out the answer.”

Have you ever had someone ask you a question, and you do not know the answer? But you feel like you should know the answer?

(I know I have been there).

When you do not know the answer, start with a simple “I am not sure, but I will find out the answer.”

You do not need to pretend you know the answer or have an answer at the moment.

Instead, do this.

  1. Lead with authenticity.

  2. Be honest about where you are.

  3. Build confidence for the future.

Authenticity begins in the moment and is proven throughout your tenure.

Authentic leaders use their strengths to get work done and rely on others in times of need.

How will you take a step into being an authentic leader?

Begin by evaluating your Strengths and lean into them.

If there is an area you do not feel like an expert in, find a member of your team to help.

For more information about Authentic Leadership, join my email, and let’s get started.


Groaning to Growing


You Are Enough Here