You Are Enough Here

I have spent enough of my life wondering “Am I enough?” It is time to put an end to that.

As humans, we are constantly seeking belonging.

I know I have had my fair share of hurt from trying to find belonging.

That’s why, I am changing the script.

When you enter a space where I exist, it is no longer a question. It is a confident statement.


The more you say “I am enough,” the more you believe it.

The more you believe you are enough, the more you show up as yourself.

The more you show up as yourself, the more you engage with life.

The more you engage in life, the higher your WellBeing.

When we believe we are enough, it unlocks the world for us.

So, say it with me:
I am enough.

Share with a friend, family member, or coworker.

Make sure they know their presence is valued and they are doing good work.


Authenticity In the Workplace


Organizational Change in 2022