WellBeing, Strengths, & Happiness Lead to Success

Okay, let’s back it up ~~ why does happiness lead to success?

It started with a study done in the military through the Journal of Happiness Studies. Journal of Happiness Studies wanted to understand what makes someone a high performer.

Was it their training? Was it their jobs? Was it their education?

The specific thing Journal of Happiness Studies found was that consistently people who rated having high levels of happiness & WellBeing when they started in the military ended up having the most success within their career in the military.

That is good and all, but how does this impact me? Thank you for asking!

There is a fast track to improving your WellBeing and your happiness
~~> Your fast track is using your Strengths.

Your Strengths are your secret ingredients to seeing your dreams come true.

Using your Strengths daily makes your life easier.

  • You can FLOW through your day as your work through tasks with ease.

  • You enjoy what you are doing because you tap into your STRENGTHS

  • Your Strengths allow you to approach improving WellBeing strategically

If you are looking to be successful, your first step is

  1. Tap into your Strengths

  2. Use your Strengths every day

  3. Focus your Strengths on improving your WellBeing and Happiness

Are you ready to take your next step towards success and happiness?

If yes ~~ Send me a message JohannBakerCoaching@gmail.com and let’s make a custom plan for you.

Read the full article here ~~> New Study of 1 Million People: Happiness Makes You Dramatically More SuccessfulIn

In Strength & WellBeing,
Kyle Johann-Baker

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